Breakfast club, Wimbledon, and a series of book launches!

Oh my goodness, it’s been a while!

Breakfast club, Wimbledon, and a series of book launches!

I’m back on deadline so can mostly be found chained to my desk as I try to get a fresh story out of my brain and onto my computer screen. I’m not allowed to tell you anything about what I’m working on at the moment – but I think you can expect an announcement soon… very soon!

Anyway, aside from me typing away in my new refurbished office (being in there makes me very happy), a few things have happened since I last posted – because it’s been a month.I thought I had nothing to report…then a started writing this list and it turns out I’ve been quite busy…

… I’ve started training! Yep. In November I go to Oman with CoppaFeel! and Fabulous magazine. Greg Rutherford and I will be heading up two teams and we’ll take on an arduous trek (it’s mostly up hill) and many challenges along the way. I knew there was no way I’d make it up and down a mountain in my current state so I decided to do something about it. Actually, I mentioned my intention to do something about it to Rochelle Humes and that somehow turned into me training with her Personal Trainer Pmac. i’m pretty sure I’d still be thinking about starting if it weren’t for Rochelle making the introductions – but now I realise there’s a huge difference between thinking about something and actually doing. Training is hard work, but I already feel amazing for it. I’m nine sessions in and already feel far stronger than I did. It’s incredibly to feel my body becoming more able, but I do know there’s a long way to go!

Breakfast club, Wimbledon, and a series of book launches!

… I’ve been to THREE book launches. I know, I know – but I love celebrating books and good writing – plus it’s nice to get out of the house! First up I went to Louise Pentland’s celebration for Wilde Like Me, then the glorious Rosie Nixon’s Amber Green Takes Manhattan, and lastly Izzy Judd’s very honest account of IVF and fertility struggles, Dare to Dream. Beautiful books by wonderful women – with all of them taking on the task of penning a book while bringing up small children. No easy task! The best thing about the book launches was all the nattering I did! It was fab to talk motherhood with fellow Hello! blogger Kimberley Walsh, too. What a lovely lady she is! Not only that, but I got to catch up with Sarah Turner (aka, The Unmumsy Mum) at two of the events too. She always has me giggling away. (Congrats on baby number three, Sarah!!!).

Breakfast club, Wimbledon, and a series of book launches! Breakfast club, Wimbledon, and a series of book launches! Breakfast club, Wimbledon, and a series of book launches!

… We stayed at Legoland’s new Castle Hotel! We got invited along to the launch and were among the first guests to stay there. I’ve never been to Legoland so really didn’t know what to expect. I was really impressed. I don’t think I’ve ever been to a hotel with such a themed bedroom – it was even interactive with games and a treasure hunt. It was brilliant and full of magic and imagination.

… I went to House Festival! I’ve heard about this a few times in the past. Basically it’s an exclusive festival for members of the Soho House group, and invited guests. I got invited along by Samsung and had a ball – mostly because I had some proper time with Emma at last, and because i had the most delicious dirty burger ever!

Breakfast club, Wimbledon, and a series of book launches! Breakfast club, Wimbledon, and a series of book launches! Breakfast club, Wimbledon, and a series of book launches!

… I took my little brother Mario to Wimbledon, thanks to Robinsons. The last time I went I was in the very early days of pregnancy with Buddy, this time however I could enjoy a glass of Pimms (or two) and focus on the tennis without pregnancy nausea invading my joy. There’s a real buzz in the grounds – it’s nice to soak up the atmosphere and be a part of it all!

Breakfast club, Wimbledon, and a series of book launches!

… we’ve started a breakfast club with the McFly family, with us taking it in turns to host. They’re a funny bunch and it’s great seeing Lola (Izzy and Harry’s little girl) and our boys playing together. There have been lots of unprompted kisses exchanged so far!

Breakfast club, Wimbledon, and a series of book launches!

And lastly, I have NOT been watching Love Island. I’m gutted about this one as I’m usually writing in the evenings and know I’ll get too distracted if I start watching. I feel like I’ve taken a sick day from school, only to find everyone else has had the best day ever. Seriously, it’s all anyone I know is talking about. Sod small talk about the weather, ‘Are you watching Love Island?’ has become the first question anyone I see asks.

My last post was all about my nonna who sadly passed away last month. I just want to finish off by saying a huge thank you to everyone for your lovely messages. You’ve all been very kind and thoughtful.

Big love,

Gi. Xx