Italy with the Family!
I know, I know! I’ve not been back from Walt Disneyworld that long...
I know, I know! I’ve not been back from Walt Disneyworld that long, but last week we took another trip away and went to Italy with my dad, my sister Giorgie and her family. May is a fab time to go for us as the weather isn’t too warm and it’s still nice and quiet, meaning it’s a bit more comfortable for the little ones – and this time we had THREE little ones with us as this was my niece Summer Rae’s first visit. I’ve got to say straight away that it was an absolute JOY having time with Summer, and adorable to see how much all the cousins love each other. The kisses and cuddles were endless. I have a feeling Buzz and Buddy are going to let her rule the roost when they’re all older. It’s going to be fun to watch the dynamics grow and change between them.
It was brilliant to all stop work and just be together. I love our family trips like this because we literally do nothing except talk and eat. We did go to the beach a couple of times so the boys could have a proper play. I loved that. We spent most of my childhood on Paestum beach, so it was heartwarming to see my own children seeking enjoyment in the same spot. The boys takes on the beach were quite different. Buzz loved the sand and so will dig and build sand castles for ages, whereas Buddy loves the water and would constantly take my hand and lead me in – even though it was pretty cold. Funnily enough he’d never stay in too long, but would want to go straight back in once we were out.
Following the lead of some other bloggers online (Clemmie Hooper I’m looking at you) I posted a little picture of me in my swimming costume online. In the picture I’m playing with the boys and having fun. My body isn’t like the air brushed images we’re all used to seeing in magazines, neither is it like it was fourteen years ago when I was eighteen. But you know what? That’s fine. Right now, in this moment of life, I’m fine with those changes and am embracing them as much as I can. I’m not getting my old body back any time soon, but I have two gorgeous boys to love instead. My body gave itself over to let them grow. That’s flipping amazing. I know I’ll dip occasionally. That I’ll look in the mirror as sigh at what I see, but. BUT! They’re fleeting. And I’m proud of what my body has achieved.
It’s been quite a luxury having not only two holidays in one month, but also, feeling like I’ve had the whole of May off (apart from one week in the middle). I say off, but I don’t think any day is truly ‘off’ when you’re a parent. I just wasn’t consumed in getting blogs and vlogs made or books written… but now I’m back on it!
It’s been awful hearing, watching and reading what’s been going on in London and Manchester over the last couple of weeks. In a crazy way it’s made me realise how special we are as a nation. We unite and pull together and show love when faced with hatred and horror. I’m so proud of our wonderful United Kingdom!
Big love to you all!
Gi. Xx