Finishing a book, launching a podcast and Buzz starting school… sort of!


Finishing a book, launching a podcast and Buzz starting school… sort of!

Over the last month I’ve been finishing my next novel SOME KIND OF WONDERFUL, which will be published on 16th November. This book follows Lizzy who finds herself dumped when she should be getting a sparkling bit of bling put on her wedding finger. After ten years with her partner she realises how entwined their lives have become and starts looking back to the girl she was before they met. She begins wondering whether or not she is who she’s meant to be, or whether she is who she is because of her relationship. She wants to reclaim ownership over herself. It’s been fun to explore and write her story, so I can’t wait for others to read it now.

Finishing a book, launching a podcast and Buzz starting school… sort of! Finishing a book, launching a podcast and Buzz starting school… sort of!

Over the last few weeks the HAPPY MUM, HAPPY BABY podcast has gone live with episodes from Emma Willis, Jo Elvin and Frankie Bridge kicking us off. I’ve been blown away by the response.

Finishing a book, launching a podcast and Buzz starting school… sort of!

Each week we climb the charts with a new episode and the messages have been incredible. I wrote the book version in the hope it would stop mothers feeling so alone. I hoped I’d be able to reassure them that we all go through those feelings of not being enough, feeling judged or filled with guilt.

Finishing a book, launching a podcast and Buzz starting school… sort of!

I wanted the podcast to be an extension of that. My hope is that in giving other women a safe place to share their experiences, and that we’d break down those barriers even further. Each guest has blown me away with how much they’ve been willing to share. Tomorrow we go live with Izzy Judd. It’s a big gear change. We’ve been through so much together, so it was nice to sit down and reflect. I have a feeling it’ll connect with many of the listeners.

Also, Buzz is now two weeks into Big School and loving life. He doesn’t start in the reception class until next year, but this is the nursery of the school we hope he gets into – plus he’s wearing a school uniform, so that definitely feels very official and grown up. His love of learning is so amazing and I love hearing him excited talk about his day on the drive home. I’m so proud!

Finishing a book, launching a podcast and Buzz starting school… sort of!

I’ve been constantly working for the past couple of months so it’s been lovely to take some time for myself this week. I’ve been with the boys lots and then had a mammoth walk with Emma.

Finishing a book, launching a podcast and Buzz starting school… sort of! Finishing a book, launching a podcast and Buzz starting school… sort of!

This weekend we had my sister and her family over and then a few friends over too. It’s been wonderful! It’s great to be busy with work and loving the creative projects in working on – but the downtime makes it all worth it, so I need to make sure I get it. I think we all do! It’s all about balance… I have to admit I’ve not got the balance quite right – but we’re doing the best we can. Something I’m in no doubt we all do!

Finishing a book, launching a podcast and Buzz starting school… sort of! Finishing a book, launching a podcast and Buzz starting school… sort of!

Hope you’re all well!

Big love,

Gi. Xxx